Fraud Blocker RCRA Disposal and Wastewater Permit Renewal – Weston Solutions

RCRA Disposal and Wastewater Permit Renewal

Compliance and Permitting - Renewing and obtaining permits

Project Overview


Since 2019, Weston has been assisting the Treating Division of a Texas Manufacturing Client with renewing and obtaining permits including a Resource Conservation and Recovery Action (RCRA) Hazardous Waste permit and a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Water Quality permit. During the permit preparation application process for the water quality permit, Weston identified compliance gaps and made recommendations for short- and long-term solutions that were implemented, including obtaining authorization under the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP). For the RCRA permit, Weston worked with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to address their additional requirements for corrective action during the permit renewal for a waste management unit that necessitated significant revisions to the Sampling and Analysis Plan and permit tables and figures. Weston took both permits from application development to permit issuance, minimizing management from our client, and ensured that all response and notice deadlines were met. Weston’s institutional knowledge of the facility and expertise in the Texas permitting process both allowed the permits to be issued within TCEQ’s target time-period, meeting TCEQ’s statutory deadline requirement, and allowed our client to focus on their core business.