Fraud Blocker Eagle Ford Baseline Water Quality Study – Weston Solutions

Eagle Ford Baseline Water Quality Study

Compliance & Permitting - Sampling program for an oil and gas company to determine baseline groundwater quality

Project Overview


Weston has developed a baseline sampling program for an oil and gas company to determine baseline groundwater quality in areas proposed for new well installation in order to reduce potential liability from area landowners. Weston performs pre-drilling groundwater sampling within a 1-mile radius around each well to be drilled. Using our proprietary web-based information management and GIS tool, ShaleFast Viewer, our team performs the sampling and stores the sampling results. The landowners or our clients can securely use their browsers to view the data, images, and documents, or if they have a GIS system (e.g., Esri), the data can be easily integrated into their system as a separate layer. This tool saves time and effort for our client, allowing them to execute their drilling program with the confidence that baseline sampling has been performed prior to well installation. To-date, Weston has evaluated over 850 oil and gas wells and collected over 750 samples under this program.