Groundwater Investigation and Vapor Intrusion Evaluation
For nearly 20 years, Weston has been providing consulting services to the State of Michigan, EGLE Superfund Section to evaluate and remediate the U.S. Aviex
...Funding cutbacks and increased need for improvements are pushing state agencies, departments, and authorities to seek new ways to do more with less. Growing challenges, such as shifting populations, rising sea-level, aging infrastructure, and emerging contaminants like PFAS, combined with an expectation for increased public transparency under ever-tightening regulations, further necessitate a delicate balancing act at the state level.
We deliver creative solutions that minimize risk and maximize resources to drive lasting economic value, resiliency, and sustainability. We bring land, facilities, and other infrastructure and resources compromised by the effects of past development, natural disasters, or climate change back to beneficial and profitable use.
Our cross-disciplinary project teams excel in navigating budget and regulatory constraints while strategically advancing project objectives to deliver resourceful, local solutions within the communities where we live and work.
For nearly 20 years, Weston has been providing consulting services to the State of Michigan, EGLE Superfund Section to evaluate and remediate the U.S. Aviex
...The Libby Asbestos Superfund Site in Lincoln County, MT was declared a Public Health Emergency by the EPA due to Libby amphibole asbestos contamination caused
...The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) holds a Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for storm water discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
...Weston was contracted to complete a remedial investigation (RI) and feasibility study (FS) at the former Velsicol Chemical Plant site following the superfund process. When
...Weston was contracted by the State of Michigan Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) to complete a vapor intrusion (VI) investigation at an existing dry