Fraud Blocker Velsicol Chemical Superfund Site Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, Technical Support – Weston Solutions

Velsicol Chemical Superfund Site Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, Technical Support

Remediation - Remedial investigation (RI) and feasibility study (FS)

Project Overview



Weston was contracted to complete a remedial investigation (RI) and feasibility study (FS) at the former Velsicol Chemical Plant site following the superfund process. When the site was closed in 1984, the plant was torn down, and the site was capped and bordered with a slurry wall under EPA and State of Michigan supervision. Subsequent monitoring 10 years later revealed that the site was leaking a multitude of rare contaminants into the adjacent Pine River and into the groundwater aquifer beneath the site. Weston worked with the State of Michigan and the Velsicol Chemical Superfund Site Citizens Advisory Group (CAG) to successfully investigate and identify site issues and secured the commitment from EPA to fund and lead the anticipated 20 years of site cleanup activities. Once the commitment was established, EPA replaced the city of St. Louis municipal wellfield and remediated the adjacent 9 block residential areas. For 19 years, Weston has attended multiple public meetings, give presentations to the CAG, answer the community’s questions. The ongoing services and expertise that Weston is providing fosters strong relationships with the State of Michigan, EPA, and the citizens of St. Louis, MI, who are now safer and have a reduced risk of exposure from the harmful contaminants that were present at this site.