Fraud Blocker Former Uranium Mine Soil Response Action, Three Rivers, TX – Weston Solutions

Former Uranium Mine Soil Response Action, Three Rivers, TX

Remediation - Weston performed a soil response action at two former mine sites in Three Rivers

Project Overview



Under contract to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Weston performed a soil response action at two former mine sites in Three Rivers, Texas to address Radium-226 (Ra-226)-affected soil resulting from solution uranium mining activities performed in the late 1970s and 1980s.

As part of the soil response action, Weston remediated an area of approximately 140 acres of affected soil through a combination in situ homogenization (mixing); excavating and disposing (off-site) of 808 tons of radioactive soil; and disposing 651 tons of radioactive concrete off-site.

Following Texas Department of Health Reg 5.10, a soil action level (release criteria) for Ra-226 in the upper 6 inches of soil was established. Our team conducted a study to develop a correlation between portable gamma radiation detector readings and Ra-226 concentrations in soil. We established a gamma count rate equivalent to the Ra-226 site action level to identify soil requiring homogenization as well as a gamma count rate above which soil would require excavation. The Ra-226-affected soil was homogenized and/or excavated using a CAT RM300 soil reclaimer or excavator. Weston’s 20+ years of managing 200+ state Superfund, dry cleaner remediation program, and voluntary cleanup Brownfield projects and extensive familiarity with TCEQ funding facilitated our ability to track daily costs for both sites.