As part of a JV, Weston conducted a time-sensitive response to install, operate, and maintain an Interim Storm Water Treatment System (ISWTS) to treat storm water contaminated with the emerging contaminants PFAS from prior aqueous film forming foam usage. The specific PFAS of concern for this project are PFOS and PFOA. Weston developed and implemented the interim mitigation system to create storm water capacity and to treat surface water that previously connected to a potable water supply serving 10,000 people. The ISWTS is comprised of a floating pump, solids pretreatment system, and four treatment trains before discharge. Discharge options for the treated water include recycling to the pond or discharge to an outfall structure. Weekly effluent sampling for PFOS and PFOA has shown that the ISWTS has continually met project goals for discharge.
Weston performed initial site reconnaissance; analyzed runoff; developed, procured, and installed an approved mitigation system; designed and implemented ancillary infrastructure required for operation; conducted startup and O&M; performed PFAS analytical monitoring; and supported community outreach. We continue to evaluate system optimization and improvements to enhance the sustainability of the ISWTS and our responsiveness and flexibility to respond to the ISWTS needs 24/7, 365 days/year has been recognized by the client.