Asset Resilience Modeling
Weston performed hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to determine placement elevations for electrical and mechanical equipment after our client experienced a significant flood event that inundated
...Rising to new challenges
In response to an evolving market landscape driven by the energy transition, our clients are balancing new opportunities for growth with the need to remain profitable. As they look to meet new challenges associated with resource and cost efficiencies, operational reliability and excellence, and risk reduction, Weston is a natural partner. Our approach on each project is centered around the need to provide our clients with value and innovation, while building trust over the long term.
With more than five decades serving our oil and gas industry clients, Weston offers full-service environmental planning, permitting, compliance, engineering, and remedial solutions. As a mid-size firm, we provide a local focus backed by national bench strength. We bring each client the expertise and resources to every project across the energy spectrum—upstream, midstream, and downstream.
With a commitment to technical and design excellence, we apply the latest innovations in data visualization, modeling, and engineering applications, along with data-driven support to address the growing call for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. Our clients rely on Weston for strategies and solutions for successfully solving the environmental challenges of today and tomorrow.
Weston understands the complex technical, regulatory, and financial environment in which the refining industry operates. Our personnel specialize in multimedia permitting and operational compliance, including emissions testing. In addition, our remedial engineers develop, install, and operate effective, easy-to-maintain remedial strategies that comply with all regulatory guidelines.
Weston performed hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to determine placement elevations for electrical and mechanical equipment after our client experienced a significant flood event that inundated
...Following a crude oil pipeline release in south-central Texas, Weston mobilized within 3 days to delineate the extent of Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL), and
...Weston has developed a baseline sampling program for an oil and gas company to determine baseline groundwater quality in areas proposed for new well installation
...When an upstream oil and gas company lost their in-house professional engineer to certify their Regional Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan and site-specific