For nearly 20 years, Weston has been providing consulting services to the State of Michigan, EGLE Superfund Section to evaluate and remediate the U.S. Aviex Superfund site. During the Extent of Contamination Study, discreet groundwater samples were collected from throughout the entire aquifer and optimized the groundwater monitoring component of the project allowing for more precise delineation of contamination at various depths. In addition to the sampling and optimization, our team also performed source area remediation allowed the State of Michigan to cease operation of the remedy (ozone sparging) based on demonstrated reductions in contaminant levels in all impacted media including the drinking water. More recently, we have developed and updated a conceptual site that EGLE uses to convey important information to project stakeholders. Weston also constructed an interactive 3-D visualization tool, this innovative tool allows EGLE to visualize subsurface conditions easily and quickly across the site and provides a better understanding of contaminant location and future migration. We continue to support long term groundwater monitoring efforts that include the incorporation of emerging contaminant evaluations, enabling the State of Michigan to achieve their prioritized project goal to reduce short- and long-term risks to potential receptors, including vapor intrusion and groundwater ingestion pathways.