Fraud Blocker Libby Asbestos Superfund Site – Weston Solutions

Libby Asbestos Superfund Site

Remediation - Providing technical expertise for work conducted across seven Operable Units (OUs)

Project Overview



The Libby Asbestos Superfund Site in Lincoln County, MT was declared a Public Health Emergency by the EPA due to Libby amphibole asbestos contamination caused by nearly 70 years of historic mining operations. With more than 400 deaths and thousands of health conditions attributed to asbestos exposure in the area, Lincoln County, MT is home to the highest asbestos-related mortality rate in the country. In 2015, Weston was tasked with performing an expedited technical review of the Remedial Investigation (RI) for the mine site. Based on the successful completion of the RI work, MT DEQ continued to task Weston with providing technical expertise for work conducted across seven Operable Units (OUs) at the site. To date, Weston has assisted MT DEQ with transition of six of the eight OUs to the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) phase. Weston provided expertise for all technical reviews, including O&M Plans, Explanation of Significant Deterioration (ESDs), and Institutional Control Implementation and Assurance Plan s (ICIAPs) as well as conducting a final joint inspection. Weston’s success in meeting continually changing schedules dictated by the EPA, while remaining within budget is attributed to the ability of staff to adapt to the needs of the project. Weston performs ongoing annual inspections; updates to ICIAPs, O&M Plans, and O&M Manuals; provides continuous database support; and participates in workgroup meetings with the local Asbestos Resource Program to ensure the community maintains a clean and healthy environment. In addition to O&M responsibilities tasked by MT DEQ, Weston also continues to provide technical expertise for all aspects of the feasibility study currently underway at the OU3, mine site.