Fraud Blocker Permitting Roadmaps – Weston Solutions

Permitting Roadmaps

Compliance and Permitting - Evaluation environmental permitting requirements for potential advanced recycling facilities

Project Overview


Weston evaluated environmental permitting requirements for potential advanced recycling facilities so that our client understood the regulatory requirements, stakeholder involvement, and procedures, time, and costs required to obtain permits/approvals. Weston also performed concurrent Phase I Site Assessments accompanied by a permitting roadmap, which summarized environmental considerations. The permitting roadmap also identified potential constraints for project execution such as the presence of wetlands, flood hazard conditions, suspected/known soil/groundwater contamination, and risks associated with using a partner facility outfall. The locations of interest for new construction were often in long-standing historical industrial areas close to transportation links by rail, water, and highway, which added another layer of environmental permitting, constraints, time, and costs. Authorizations include air permits, wastewater permits, USACE Permits, building permits, flood plain permits, State Historical Preservation Office approvals, and Coastal Use Permits. Our team identified economic incentives including tax rebates and tax relief available to our client for job placement, training, and other benefits from development/construction of new facilities. Through the identification of environmental risks, communicating financial incentive development opportunities and delivering strategies to reduce costs and potential environmental liabilities, our team advanced our client’s goals.