After 15 years of effort by developers, NAVFAC, Navy, and consultants, Weston was contracted and successfully assisted the property owner obtain grants and finish characterization work of a 1,200-acre former Naval training facility. Weston performed a comprehensive site investigation of shallow soils, sediment, surface water, and the site-wide former sewer system. During the site characterization, contaminants exceeding Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) risk-based thresholds were detected in shallow soil included polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and select metals; however, a risk evaluation based on the current EPA regional screening levels and MDE risk thresholds indicated the property was suitable for unrestricted commercial development. When asbestos containing building materials were discovered during redevelopment, Weston’s certified personnel worked with the site development contractor to perform asbestos sweeping and pickup work at approximately 440 acres over the course of 9 months, requiring 4,000-labor hours. Weston also performed continuous air monitoring in the remediation areas and around the site perimeter to ensure that the workers and community were fully protected. Weston’s sound remediation strategies and collaboration among multiple stakeholders helped the US Navy receive an interim No Further Requirements Determination (NFRD), allowing commercial development to move forward on the property, which will ultimately bring new commerce and jobs to the area of the former Naval training facility.